Thanks for checking out our Terms and Conditions for our 'WIN A REFUND' promotion.
- This promotion starts on the first of the month and ends on the last day of the month
- The winner will be drawn the following day (eg the first day of the following month)
- Entries are gained from each individual purchase for that month
- There is no limit to the amount of entries any one person can have, as long as they are all valid purchases during that particular month
- Entries are gathered and drawn by there purchase order numbers
- If an order has been refunded already, that entry is forfeited from the draw
- The winner will be notified by the end of the following day that the draw is made, using the contact details provided on the order
- The prize is a full refund of the total payment made from the winning order number
- For any and all enquiries regarding this promotion please email us at Info@shakalife.com.au